Breathtaking New Zealand Photos "Where the Moxxor Grows!"

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Progress pictures

-- Inside of wrist (daughter's)
3 days ago... updated photo to come...
-- Noelle's hand... day 2 taking 2 caps (Moxxor) a day.
still looks bad but no longer inflamed, red and itchy--

--Same hand (Noelle's) before taking Moxxor... it was raw and cracked. (photos are untouched)

November 3rd's progress and testimonial

I am finally checking in here... Have to... gotta share...I have had so much energy! I have been going like mad and am finally settling down to post here... (been up since 4:30 a.m.~didn't get to bed till 1:00 am or so :(
I Am, however, getting ready to lay back down for a bit, but not till I finish my testimonial!
This Moxxor stuff is incredible. Noelle's hand (as seen in pics posted) is so to much better today. It's amazing how fast it cleared (whatever "it" was)
Also-- more exciting news !
I am on pain meds, pretty heavy duty ones and they let me now when their effects are waning and it's time for another dose. Well today, I actually went four hours overtime... (this is a literal first)
I attribute this to the Moxxor, more energy, my daughter's hands clearing a good bit (in a day and a half!)
As you could imagine, I am happy dancing!... I have hope!...
finally, I have hope. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... I walked today, First time in a good while and no pain... (I ran 1/4 of the mile -- kind of running-- arm in arm, with my freezy-cat daughter) Well,we went farther than usual. I was astounded when I noticed this!
My moods have been more stable as well. so, 3 days on the moxxor... already noticing some positive effects! I am pretty excited!
till tomorrow.. (or later today!)