Breathtaking New Zealand Photos "Where the Moxxor Grows!"

To learn about Moxxor for yourself, click HERE!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Much Overdue Udate....

Ok, It's been over a year since my last posting on this Moxxor blog. 
It hasn't been because they stopped working for me.. or the rest of us.  It was because I  ran into one after another, personal setbacks... You know... "when it rains, it pours?"
Well suffice it to say, my husband and I had some things to work out, which I am thankful to say, we have and God has been very gracious to us.
In the interim, I had to put off receiving my Moxxor  due to financial constraints.

I suffered.  
What I have realized through all of that was that I could NOT do without my Moxxor.

I will call Moxxor "MY MOXXOR"  but I will NOT call the condition I am fighting "MY FIBROMYALGIA"

Nevertheless... Without the Moxxor to take every day (my dosage is 2-3 caplets a day)  I went steadily downhill, with a definite noticeable decline in my  freedom from symptoms and a resurgence of pain, hormonal fluctuations that exacerbated all of the symptoms.. (irritable bowel), air hunger (breathing trouble)...increased pain in varying places, My sleeping was fitful once again, as well as other symptoms that came and went in varying intensity. 

I remember remarking to my family a number of times--after having taken the Moxxor 6-8 months,..."Remember how it was before the Moxxor kicked in?.-- when I would be in the bed a couple of days out of the month?... and sit around every morning till about 1:00 in the afternoon... with hot water bottles? (and fans constantly blowing on me to keep me cool ) alternating  then between various throbbing areas to try and keep a handle on the breakthrough pain that was no longer being covered by  the meds alone.

Well They had remembered.  It was astounding, to see such a distinction and have such a vivid memory or how it was, coupled with  the decline and the low I had hit after having been without a few month.  I could actually tell  a difference the  first month.  But by 6 months without the Moxxor, I had  regressed to the same state I had been in  before I began my regimen with Moxxor.
In 6 months of taking my Moxxor regularly, I had lost 20 #'s without exercise or diet change... (I would suggest the latter , but I hadn't) My pain had diminished to the pint where many times, I would go past the time when the meds were to be taken, as I didn't any longer recognize it was time for them!  My pain reminder system was not in operation any longer! I could spread the dosages out farther and farther between.  My sleep was restful and I didn't wake up at all hours, unable to go back to sleep... I didn't crave  sweets and carbs so intensely...the bowel issues were gone  and breathing issues were greatly  lessened... I had more energy almost from day one of taking the Moxxor.
But the best of all was the pain!  Less pain!

I told my dad about it (he has arthritis in his neck from constant repeated neck movements as  a UPS driver for 40 years...(looking behind him while driving the truck.. etc..and had had a hip replacement, but was still in pain.  He began taking the Moxxor and his pain was greatly diminished.  Soon my step-mom was on it too and they have ordered faithfully going  on two years now.  My sister, who is conscience about her weight, became a customer as well. Though their stories are not as dramatic as mine, they nonetheless  attest to the fact that Moxxor Rocks!
It truly does.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Excitement Is Building

Hi Again!
We are getting really excited here about our product and the incredible income earning opportunity. We are ecstatic to have been able to hook up with Mike Adams -- The Health Ranger -- of "TheNatural News Team" fame, and the Natual News team's Moxxor group!
Mike is the most integritous health news information source we have run across to date, (and we've been reading and researching in these types of news groups for over 8 years now.)
Mike is highly regarded and respected in the natural health news field and his newsletter has a readership of over a million... and growing. It is a real perk to be on his team, as we are able to benefit from his marketing efforts already in place, as well as the tools, audio teachings and more, that are freely available to all on "the Green Team...(an affilliate for the Natural news Moxxor Team!) as Mike makes them available to all of us.
All of this, plus the credibility that we, The Green Team benefit from-- as being an associate with Mike gives a distinct edge in this exciting ground floor venture.

So!--Do your homework!...
Peruse the website... listen to the information calls and please contact us with any questions or just to chat!

((don't forget to check out our before and after photos and testimonial below))

~see the link (below) to the informative/dynamic flash presentation

~and this is a link to our personal Moxxor site for you to peruse, glean from and info on how to join us!

There is much more to come, by way of solid scientific documentation... links to more online education, information and documentation. Also, links to scientific journals and health writers alike who all agree in the efficacy of "Green Lipped Mussel Oil" and even the Omega 3 Fish Oils in general... Of which the Moxxor is hundreds of times more potent... not to mention, 100% pure (and that's proven, not propaganda!)
so, like I said... much more excitement in the works!
Come back and visit us often! learn to go green and earn!

Create a " Healthy Income"!
Sign On Now!... With the Green Team!

This is Tom & Suz ,
signing off
(in green:)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Progress pictures

-- Inside of wrist (daughter's)
3 days ago... updated photo to come...
-- Noelle's hand... day 2 taking 2 caps (Moxxor) a day.
still looks bad but no longer inflamed, red and itchy--

--Same hand (Noelle's) before taking Moxxor... it was raw and cracked. (photos are untouched)

November 3rd's progress and testimonial

I am finally checking in here... Have to... gotta share...I have had so much energy! I have been going like mad and am finally settling down to post here... (been up since 4:30 a.m.~didn't get to bed till 1:00 am or so :(
I Am, however, getting ready to lay back down for a bit, but not till I finish my testimonial!
This Moxxor stuff is incredible. Noelle's hand (as seen in pics posted) is so to much better today. It's amazing how fast it cleared (whatever "it" was)
Also-- more exciting news !
I am on pain meds, pretty heavy duty ones and they let me now when their effects are waning and it's time for another dose. Well today, I actually went four hours overtime... (this is a literal first)
I attribute this to the Moxxor, more energy, my daughter's hands clearing a good bit (in a day and a half!)
As you could imagine, I am happy dancing!... I have hope!...
finally, I have hope. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... I walked today, First time in a good while and no pain... (I ran 1/4 of the mile -- kind of running-- arm in arm, with my freezy-cat daughter) Well,we went farther than usual. I was astounded when I noticed this!
My moods have been more stable as well. so, 3 days on the moxxor... already noticing some positive effects! I am pretty excited!
till tomorrow.. (or later today!)